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After-The-Bell Code of Conduct
Safety • Respect • Self-Discipline


Upon registering for After-The-Bell, all students and parents agree to this Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct spells out how all students must behave in order to attend After-The-Bell activities. These rules apply for all hours. They apply to all locations, at the Middle School, at off-site activities and on any bus. All students must behave safely and with respect for themselves and for all volunteers, staff and other students. At the beginning of each program, the staff will meet with the students to set the expectations for proper behavior—to listen to and follow instructions from the facilitators and staff, to speak only in a respectful manner and to follow all school rules. 


The cornerstones of our code of conduct are safety, respect, and self-discipline. We promote safety, show respect, and learn self-discipline through: 1) our language, and 2) our actions to others. The first time a student misbehaves, his/her parents may be contacted and he/she may be dismissed from the program immediately. The decision to allow the student to return during the current program or for any future program will be determined by the staff of After-The-Bell. Staff may also decide the student must participate in different activities geared to promoting proper behavior. If these changes in activities are not acceptable to the student or parents, the child always has the option of withdrawing from the current program. The following are examples of behaviors which will cause students to be dismissed from After-The-Bell immediately!


  • Inappropriate behavior such as lying, bullying, bad language, swearing, threats, name-calling, or any language which could cause emotional injury to students, staff, or volunteers.


  • Inappropriate actions which may cause injury to people or property including insulting gestures, throwing objects at others, pushing, fighting, stealing, and destroying property.


  • Showing disrespect by ignoring, disobeying, talking back, or being sarcastic to volunteers or staff.


  • Disruptive behavior in the cafeteria, the halls, the activities, or on the bus, which may include continuing to talk when asked to quiet down, continuous and intentional interruption of a volunteer, a member of the staff, or another student.


  • Being disrespectful of school property, such as touching the teacher’s desk, SmartBoards, whiteboard, books, displays or equipment.


  • Use of cell phones, earbuds/headphones, gaming devices, iPads or computers may be allowed during certain times/activities. However, ATB is not responsible in the case of a mishap or loss of this property.


  • By signing the Registration Form, both student and parent are stating the following: I understand that After-The-Bell is a completely voluntary and free after-school program that is provided by volunteers and community donations. I may choose at any time to remove my child from the program. My child is expected to behave in a safe and respectful manner when attending After-The-Bell. If my child breaks any rules, I will be contacted by the staff. I understand that my child may then be dismissed from his/her choice of activity and/or the entire program year for misbehavior. 


Let’s have a wonderful time at After-The-Bell!

Get in Touch

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Program Address:
Kennett Middle School

Room C106
195 Sunny Dell Road
Landenberg, PA 19350



Mailing Address:

Kennett After-School Association
P.O. Box 1068
Kennett Square, PA, 19348

Program Cycles





Program Hours

Tuesday: 2:35pm to 5pm

Wednesday: 2:35pm to 5pm

Thursday: 2:35pm to 5pm


Site Designed by Julie Showers Design

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